Thursday, November 15, 2012


    Hello again! I know I have been slacking on my blog a bit, but it doesn't mean my ministry has not been active. God has been working through my photography and I have tried my best to answer his call every time he puts it on my heart to do something. I know without a doubt, that this ministry is a true calling from God. I knew I wouldn't sleep tonight until I got this blog finished. I have been up for 22 hours, yet God has given me the burst of energy I need to post this blog. Throughout the next year, I hope that this ministry can touch many more families in need. I know God has a beautiful plan and I am so excited to be a part of it.    
       This week, I had the pleasure of photographing a beautiful, sweet 4 year old girl .  Her mom and I have been trying to work out a time for a session, but her schedule has been difficult due to traveling and treatments. I was thrilled to finally get to photograph this sweet girl and her family this week! Meet Addyson Clark...

 Addyson is the 4 year old daughter of Jimmy and Amanda Clark. She currently is facing a battle with 3 inoperable brain tumors. Addy is getting weekly chemo treatments and isn't feeling her best, but you sure can't tell it in her photos. Her sweet smile melts my heart. As soon as she arrived for her session, she vomited. It wasn't 2 minutes later that she was smiling, as if nothing had ever happened. It is astounding the strength that a 4 year old can have.
Addyson is a big sister to Korbin. Watching them together was the sweetest thing. Addy is protective and loving, and Korbin admires his big sister so much already. I could not stop pressing the shutter. I ended up taking about 500 photos within the hour they were there.

Addy loved hugging on her little brother, and he didn't seem to mind it one bit. Korbin is so sweet and laid back :)

Addy's parents, Jimmy and Amanda completely amaze me. Their faith in God, especially during such a hard time in their lives, is truly inspirational. I have been following their facebook posts for months. No matter what their update may be, they always glorify God in all of their updates on Addy. Their strength and love for their children brings me to tears. They make me want to be a better person. Pictures speak louder than words...

In a certain post about Addy, Amanda said, "We count as a blessing that he chose us to walk this path. " There are few people I know that could be so positive and find good in all of this. If you want to know what God's love look like, it is written all over their hearts and faces.
I went to school with Amanda, she has always been one of the sweetest people I have ever known.
I am pretty sure we were the only girls who were googling wedding ideas and honeymoon spots during our senior year of high school. We were both ready to be wives and momma's at a young age. What beautiful wife and mother she has become...

Jimmy is an amazing dad too. It was my first time meeting him, but a complete stranger could not deny that he is an awesome daddy. He was so patient and loving with Addy and Korbin. 
I think the most profound thing I witnessed during their session, was that they are all living in the moment. During that hour, they were enjoying their time together as a family. And they are such a happy family. You can tell that God's presence is so strong with them everywhere they go. Lately, I have been guilty of worrying about what is going on from one week to the next. I think sometimes, we all need to just slow down and look around us at all the blessings we have . 
     Addy is such a brave girl. I can not fathom what she is going through. I wish there was more that I can do for her. I ask that all of you share this blog and pray hard for this sweet little girl and her family. She is fighting so hard. We should all realize that our problems, really aren't that big. We should all hug our babies a little tighter. We should cuddle them, play with them, smell them, shower them with kisses. Appreciate each day we have with them.  Make it count. Make every day matter. Because today, is a day we will never get back.
      Thanksgiving is coming up, I know that this photo session with the Clarks has made me so thankful for the health of my children.  What a difference we could all make is we all chose to give back to someone in need this holiday season. A small act of kindness could change someone's life. Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? I have heard (more than once) from two of my favorite pastors, "Find a need and fill it, find a hurt and heal it." I pray that God allows me and all of you to follow him and dedicate our lives to giving back to him in different ways. After all, without him, where would each of us be? Thank you for taking the time to read this and pray for Addy and her family. It is very much appreciated! I asked Amanda to include a paragraph and I will post it below. God Bless!

"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

" Addyson was diagnosed July 27th, 2012 with 3 inoperable brain tumors causing her to lose vision completely in her right eye and a large amount in her left. She is currently having chemo to try to shrink the tumors. Things have been rough since she was disgnosed, but God has given us so much grace through all of this and made is so much easier. We have learned so much as a family and are living each day like there is no tomorrow. Our photo session with Andrea was amazing. She adjusted to make Addy feel comfortable and took the time to ensure she captured just the right photos. We are so grateful for her doing this phot shoot of our family for us. These photos will be cherished for a lifetime."- Amanda Clark
