Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shoots of Love

     My name is Andrea Harper and I don't even know where to begin a blog. When reviewing what I'd written on paper, it was a big jumbled mess of my thoughts and prayers. All I know, is that God had been knocking at my heart to do this for quite sometime and I have finally decided to listen. I have been making excuses. "I haven't had the time." "I'm not the perfect christian." "I'm simply not good enough." Those are all excuses and fears. I have decided to push those all aside and take a giant leap of faith into a ministry God has called me to do called Shoots of Love.
     I am a mom, a wife, a Christian, and a photographer. I am passionate about all of those things.  I have a business in Scottsville, Ky with my mom. It is called Wolfe Photography, we take pictures of children, seniors, families, newborns, etc. I never knew i could love a job so much.  My mom gave me a canon slr for Christmas several years ago. She is an amazing photographer and has always had an amazing business and clientele. ANYWAYS, I couldn't put it down. I began taking pictures of everything. Friends, family, and especially, Hudson & Paislee once they were born. Your own kids make the best models when they are little! Then, my mom had enough faith in me to start photographing her clients. She had MS and couldn't continue to work as much as she once could. I've been in business with her for 3 years now at Wolfe Photography. I do most all of the shooting now, due to her illness. It has been the best 3 years of my life. I am genuinely happy and LOVE what I do.
       Yesterday at church,  the pastor talked about how God gives us all different talents and abilities. He said we should use our talents to glorify God. Because they aren't our talents...they are HIS. God has blessed me so much. He has given me a wonderful husband, 2 healthy, beautiful TWO year olds (they are twins). A supportive family, and a job that I love. He has given me the ability to help capture precious memories for others. He has given me SO much, but what do I do for him? Sure, I go to church. I pray daily and try to lead a good christian life. I try to set the best example for my children. But that isn't enough. I feel like I was called to do something greater. My nana has often told me that, "Life is just a vapor." That is so true. I want to know that when my life is over I will have done something important in my life to glorify God.
      I have known for well over a year that I was supposed to do something with children. Ever since having Hudson and Paislee, my maternal instincts have went into overdrive. I get so emotional about everything, but especially children. They have a special place in my heart.  H & P were preemies, they were born 8 weeks early and were fragile 3 pounders when they were born. Seeing them in the NICU for those first few weeks of their lives made me see life in a totally different perspective. Whoever can see a baby that small and not believe in God, is beyond me. Everyone always laughs when I tell them I want a housefull of kids, but that would be a dream come true for me. I am so drawn to children, I feel like I was born to help them or nurture them in some way. Motherhood has made me want to be a better Christian, a better mother, and human being. Sorry, I'm getting off track again :). Anyways, I knew God wanted me to do something to benefit children. Then it dawned on me. Why not take my love of photography, my love for kids, and my love for God and create a non profit organization to honor them all.
       After our church service, I began to talk to Cody about it. I was discussing where or who I should talk to to get it started. He told me to pray about it. We were shortly interupted by two hugry toddlers jabbering about lunch in the backseat. They pretty much run the show :). We decided to take them to O'Charley's for lunch. While waiting, I whipped out my camera and did what I do best, stick a camera in their face :). I begged and bribed them to take just "one more picture." They cooperated, so I ended up with about 10 adorable pictures of them hugging and kissing eachother. I was excited to get some cute shots of them in their coordinating church clothes. They looked SO CUTE!  Later on that afternoon, we went to my parent's house. I wanted to get my camera out and show her the cute pictures I'd taken.  I realized it wasn't in my purse. I frantically called the restaurant asking if it was there. They told me someone had turned in my case, but the camera had been taken out of it...it was gone.I literally felt sick, a sick that made my heart hurt. It wasn't that someone had stolen my camera, that can be replaced.  They stole memories I had taken of my sweet babies, pictures that I can never get back. All of their pictures from the beach, the trips to the waterpark, all the pics of them loving on eachother and making silly faces.  They were gone. Did I mention I felt sick? As a mom, especially a photographer/mom, I value those pictures more than any credit card or amount of money in my bank account. Those aren't the things that can all be replaced...but pictures cannot.
       Hours later, as I was tucking in my sweet babies, it hit me like a ton of bricks. God spoke to me so clearly and profoundly..."They took my pictures, but I still have my children."  The tears began to flow like a river. My babies are right in front of me.  They are healthy, happy, beautiful, sweet, and so full of LIFE. I got to thinking about this organization. There are families that are living at hospitals with their sick children.  They are watching their babies hurt, get stuck with needles around the clock.  Some are even...watching their children DIE.  That sentence is so hard for me to even type.  I get a lump in my throat and cold chills.  I cannot, nor do I want to, imagine that sentence being a reality. I then, felt so guilty for being so upset about my camera.  Like most parents, I would gladly die for my children.  But, I'm not sure if watching them die, would be something I could do.  Their strength is such an inspiration.  My aunt, Emily, whom is only a few years older than me, has always been my best friend.  When she was 16, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She was so strong through all of it, my hero.  Watching her cling to life was one of the heartbreaking things I've ever had to do. Now, as a parent, I can't imagine what my grandparents went through.  How helpless they felt, watching their baby fight for her life.  I know they must have felt so helpless.  This makes me want to help even more.  I cannot do much, but I can take a good picture. For a moment, I can make time stand still.  I can capture memories that they will have forever. Whether their childhood be short or long, I can capture a piece of it their parents will treasure forever.
     The last thing I want to do is get praise for this.  Anyone that knows me, knows I don't like for good deeds to be told.  This isn't about me, it is about something far greater than myself.  I want to use my talents and abilities to glorify God and do a little good in the world.  I want this ministry to let God's love to shine through my photography. I want to give my whole heart to this, so that it will be a blessing to these families. 
      Most parents, that have terminally ill children, have many medical bills and do not have the extra money to afford a photo session. That is why Shoots of Love sessions will be completely free of charge.  All families will be given a cd with all images and the print release.  There are other organizations similar to this in other big cities, but nothing local, and nothing faith-based.  We need this.  These familes need this, our community needs this, and I need to do this.  I live in a small town called Scottsville, KY.  Most people haven't even heard of it. I don't expect to reach thousands, and that is okay.  I am thankful for everyone who reads this blog and passes it on.  If I can help one family, then that is one family who may have not had professional photographs of their fragile child.  Their time is so precious, that is why I want to help capture it. 
     I have created this blog to help record this journey. It will also act almost like a prayers chain for the sick children I photograph.  I have reached out to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital and hope to be working with them soon.  I am also asking all of my family and friends to help spread the word and help get this organization started.  I also, need your prayers that God will lead me in the right direction with this.  I know this experience will be life changing. If you, or someone you know, has a terminally ill child, please contact me at 270-622-8736.  You can also email me.  I hope this wasn't too unorganized. I will try to get better at this blogging thing. My parents always taught me to walk by faith, not by sight.  That is what I am going to do.  I am going to end this post with a bible scripture I stumbled upon the other day during prayer. " BUT LAY YOUR TREASURE IN HEAVEN, WHERE NO MOTH, NOR RUST, WILL CORRUPT, AND WHERE THIEVES DO NOT BREAK THROUGH NOR STEAL. FOR WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO."

I also want to thank God for giving me the strength to do this.  I want to thank my Hudson & Paislee for inspiring me in every way and showing me the most pure love I've ever witnessed. My amazing husband for his love & support.  My mom, aunts, and best friend for nudging me to finally do this. I love you all.



  1. I am so happy and excited for what Shoots of Love can offer our community. Thank you for walking by faith and reaching out to others!

  2. Do it! Do it!
    This sounds awesome. Drop in on the families for some impromptu pictures with a card offering a free or discounted photo session outside of the hospital. If you follow through with this, you're going to cry so many tears-- of joy and sorrow.

    If you ever want some brainstorming ideas concerning setting up a business model or things to think about concerning privacy, innovation, etc, let me know! I'll be glad to type down some ideas concerning this.

    Good luck!

  3. I considered this about a year ago myself. I tried to get hooked up with a guy I seen on the news from Nashville that does a similar type of non profit shoots for parents of children who have passed away. I told him I would love to help in any way since they had volunteers. I moved back to Franklin from Scottsville so if you need any help Please let me know.

  4. I'm so proud of you for taking this leap of faith to help others. You may not know how to get there, but that will be revealed in time. Taking the first step is the hardest part. I think its only appropriate to remind you of your favorite childhood bible scripture: "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

    Don't let anything stand in your way. Believe it.

    <3 E.

  5. This sounds amazing. There is a state-wide program called the First Steps program that works with children ages 0-3 with developmental delays. Some of these children are terminal. The local office is in Bowling Green, KY in the Lifeskills building. You may be able to contact them there and they could spread the word about the amazing things you're doing! :)

  6. I am so PROUD beyond words could ever express of the leap of faith you are taking. Always trust in God and he will lead you and NEVER forsake you. I pray His Blessings on this journey, blessings on you and certainly the lives that will be touched by this kindness. I love you my darling daughter!


  7. Andrea, this is such a wonderful idea. What an awesome way to touch people's lives with a trying time in their lives. God Bless You!

  8. Andrea, This is such an AMAZING IDEA! I will for sure pass the word along! If you need any help please let me know. And thank you for everything!
